GastroFest Beograd, festival visoke gastronomije, autentičnih ukusa i domaćinske energije biće održan 15. juna, od 12 do 23 sata i 16. juna, od 10 do 20 sati, na Dorćol Platzu. Ovaj događaj ima za cilj da promoviše visoku gastronomsku kulturu u Srbiji, a posetioci će kroz raznovrstan program, imati priliku da istraže bogatstvo multikulturalnosti srpske kuhinje.

GasroFest donosi najbolje iz vojvođanske kuhinje i povezuje visoku gastronomiju sa lokalnim proizvođačima, ističući značaj gastronomske, kulturne i ekonomske vrednosti domaće proizvodnje hrane i porodičnih gazdinstava.

GastroFest na Dorćol Platzu promo video

GastroFest nije samo festival, već zajednica koja promoviše unapređenje domaće gastronomije i njeno uključivanje u savremene kulinarske tokove, ističe značaj visokokvalitetnih domaćih namirnica i povećava vidljivosti lokalnih proizvođača i njihovo povezivanju sa restoranima.

Tokom dvodnevnog festivala, biće organizovani različiti programi – promocija restorana i domaće ulične gastronomije, pijaca malih proizvođača, Gastro show, Gastro paneli, Gastro radionice za decu i odrasle, Ostrvo osmeha – dečiji kutak sa animatorima, koncept nedeljnog ručka, kao i prateći muzički program.

GastroFest Beograd promo video

Posetioci će u bašti Dorćol Platza moći da uživaju u ekskluzivnim gastronomskim doživljajima koje će im pružiti partnerski restorani i majstori gastronomije, kroz raznoliku ponudu jela napravljenih od namirnica lokalnih proizvođača. Među učesnicima su poznati vojvođanski restorani poput Projekt 72, Fish and Zeleniš, Salaš 137, Salaš Kovač, zanatska pekara Nonna, kao i beogradski restoran Gig.

„Jedna od glavnih tema GastroFesta je spajanje restorana i proizvođača lokalnih namirnica. Festival će predstaviti listu visoko kvalitetnih namirnica koje proizvode naši partneri – mali lokalni proizvođači. Šefovi i restorani će od tih namirnica spremati po tri različita jela, omogućujući posetiocima da iz prve ruke upoznaju lokalne gastronomske vrednosti“ objasnio je Daniel Jovanović, osnivač GastroFesta.

GastroFest Beograd promo video

Na pijaci malih proizvođača, posetioci i restorani će moći da se upoznaju sa ponudom lokalnih proizvoda, među kojima su mesni i mlečni proizvodi, sokovi, džemovi, slatkiši, vina, lekovito bilje i handmade posuđe.

„Verujemo da su mali, lokalni proizvođači osnova moderne domaće gastronomije. Želimo da omogućimo direktnu komunikaciju između proizvođača i restorana, kako bi se proizvođači lakše prilagodili potrebama tržišta, a restorani prepoznali vrednost lokalnih, autohtonih namirnica“ dodao je Jovanović.

Gastro paneli će obuhvatiti teme poput trenutnog stanja gastronomije u Srbiji, trendova u razvoju i potencijala gastro turizma. Paneli će uključivati diskusije o srpskoj gastronomskoj revoluciji, značaju lokalnih namirnica i iskustvima iz susednih zemalja.

Gastro radionice će pružiti priliku posetiocima da nauče tajne kulinarstva od vrhunskih majstora, uključujući pravljenje savršenog testa za picu, paste, stejkova i autentičnih domaćih ćevapa. Dečiji programi na Ostrvu osmeha uključivaće gastro radionice, pozorišne predstave, ekološke aktivnosti, crtanje lica i još mnogo toga.

Pojedinačna dnevna ulaznica za GastroFest iznosiće 500 dinara, dok će cena porodične ulaznice biti 700 dinara.


GastroFest Belgrade, a festival of haute gastronomy, authentic flavors, and domestic energy, will be held on June 15 from 12:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. and on June 16 from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. at Dorćol Platz. This event aims to promote high gastronomic culture in Serbia, and visitors will have the opportunity to explore the richness of Serbian cuisine’s multiculturalism through a varied program.

GasroFest brings the best of Vojvodina cuisine and connects high gastronomy with local producers, highlighting the importance of domestic food production and family farms’ gastronomic, cultural, and economic value.

GastroFest on Dorćol Platz promo video

GastroFest is not just a festival but a community that promotes the improvement of domestic gastronomy and its inclusion in contemporary culinary trends. It emphasizes the importance of high-quality domestic food and increases the visibility of local producers and their connection with restaurants.

During the two-day festival, various programs will be organized – promotion of restaurants and local street gastronomy, market of small producers, Gastro show, Gastro panels, Gastro workshops for children and adults, Island of Smiles – children’s corner with animators, the concept of Sunday lunch, as well as the accompanying music program.

GastroFest Belgrade promo video

In the garden of Dorćol Platz, visitors will be able to enjoy exclusive gastronomic experiences provided by partner restaurants and masters of gastronomy. They will enjoy a diverse range of dishes made from ingredients from local producers. Among the participants are well-known Vojvodina restaurants such as Projekt 72, Fish and Zeleniš, Salaš 137, Salaš Kovač, artisan bakery Nonna, and the Belgrade restaurant Gig.

“One of the main themes of GastroFest is bringing together restaurants and local food producers. The festival will present a list of high-quality foods our partners produce – small local producers. The chefs and restaurants will prepare three different dishes from these ingredients, allowing visitors to learn local gastronomic values ​​firsthand,” explained Daniel Jovanović, founder of GastroFest.

GastroFest Belgrade promo video

At the market of small producers, visitors and restaurants will be able to familiarize themselves with the local products, including meat and dairy products, juices, jams, sweets, wines, medicinal herbs, and handmade dishes.

“We believe that small, local producers are the basis of modern domestic gastronomy. We want to enable direct communication between producers and restaurants so that producers can more easily adapt to the market’s needs, and restaurants recognize the value of local, indigenous ingredients,” added Jovanović.

Gastro panels will cover topics such as the current state of gastronomy in Serbia, trends in development, and the potential of gastrotourism. They will also include discussions about the Serbian gastronomic revolution, the importance of local ingredients, and experiences from neighboring countries.

Gastronomic workshops will allow visitors to learn cooking secrets from top masters, including making the perfect pizza dough, pasta, steaks, and authentic homemade kebabs. Children’s programs at the Island of Smiles will include gastronomic workshops, theater performances, environmental activities, face painting, and more.

An individual daily ticket for GastroFest costs 500 dinars, while a family ticket costs 700 dinars.